Spirit Release Therapy Clearings

Spirit Release Therapy with Lara

Spirit release therapy is a specialized form of holistic treatment, conducted by a Psychic Medium and a Facilitator. The Medium and Facilitator work in conjunction with a team of Spirit Guides, powerful souls that exist beyond the scope of time and space.

What is Spirit Release Therapy?

Spirit Possession Therapy (SRT) Explained
By Lara Starr

For well over a century now, there have been a large number of theosophists and mental health professionals who have been conducting research regarding the relationship between spirit possession and mental illness. Frederic W H Myers, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Dr. William Baldwin, Dr. Edith Fiore, and Dr. Terence Palmer are just a few of the intellectuals that have been compiling a staggering amount of evidence that a great number of severe mental health issues are caused by the energetic attachment of non-physical spirits and other entities.

The traumas people have experienced can indeed cause mental health issues, (not just in this life but in past lives) and sometimes those traumas cause us to experience mental blockages that can influence our behavior and development in many different ways. Sometimes physical injuries and addiction can cause mental health issues too. But that is not the only reason these issues can occur. 

Through case studies conducted by several researchers, we have discovered that one of the largest causes of mental health issues is spirit possession. Sometimes deceased souls don’t want to cross over or don’t know they need to cross over, and they need extra assistance. If they don’t, they may end up attaching to the etheric field of other people, causing them all kinds of problems such as addictions, behavioral issues, and even health problems. 

There are also countless forms of non-physical entities out there and they attach themselves to the living just like energetic parasites. They can read your mind, put thoughts or visions in your head, and can even cause people to commit atrocities out of fear, confusion, or coercion. They mainly sustain themselves through negative emotions such as anger, pain, and fear. 

This is why it’s very important to keep an eye on the state of your mental health. There are many red flags you can look out for so you can remove these entities before they can possess the mind.

Most importantly.. If you have any abnormal, negative emotions you cannot explain or seem to shake, intrusive thoughts that are completely out of character, or even horrible nightmares you cannot seem to explain, then there’s usually either some kind of underlying trauma or a spirit/entity that is in your etheric field and feeding off of those negative emotions. 

They all have a particular feeling or behavior they go for the most. Many of them love forms of inebriation so any form of drugs or alcohol can attract them. Including cigarettes and sleeping tablets. Some of them love to feed off depression, some love anger, some love anxiety or insecurity, and whatever it is they crave, they will muster up these feelings within us so they can feed off of them. Sometimes completely sane people even have psychotic breaks because of these astral parasites, so it’s important to pay attention to your emotions and why you feel the things you feel. Become the observer of your own thoughts. 

It’s not abnormal to feel sad for a good reason. (Losing your job or your pet, someone was cruel to you, etc) But it is a red flag if you feel deeply sad, angry, or anxious and cannot explain why. Especially for extended periods. 

Over decades, Dr Terence Palmer developed a unique method and protocol that allows one to remove these beings from individuals who are being afflicted by these negative energies. Spirit Releasement Therapy.

What is SRT aka Spirit Release Therapy?

Spirit release therapy is a specialized form of holistic treatment, conducted by a Psychic Medium and a Facilitator. The Medium and Facilitator work in conjunction with a team of Spirit Guides, powerful souls that exist beyond the scope of time and space. These Spirit Guides are discarnate souls who can manipulate energies in both the astral and physical realms. It is the spirit guides that do all the difficult work of removing the astral parasites, Earthbounds, and negative entities that attach to the living and cause mental, emotional, and physical health issues.

How does SRT work?

The SRT Facilitator must first find a client who is in distress and would like to be checked. The Facilitator then sits down with the Psychic Medium, either in person or over video feed, and asks the Medium to energetically tap into the client. Once the Medium makes a connection and can observe the etheric field of the client in question, the Facilitator then goes through a protocol of questions. The protocol of questions can vary, as it's determined by the Facilitator, but they always ask the same general questions. They are as follows.

SRT Protocol -

Question 1: “Are the client’s Soul Guides from the Highest Light?”

This question is always asked first, and it is asked three times. It is asked first because the Facilitator needs to ensure that the Medium is connected to the real Soul Guides of the client. Soul Guides are advanced souls that look after those who are incarnated into a physical body. They protect, guide, and help their wards to heal, find their path in life and much more. They are essentially our invisible, discarnate guardians and mentors. Everyone alive has at least one principal Soul Guide who looks after them 24/7. Some people can have as many as a dozen Soul Guides at one time, as each can offer a different type of healing, mentorship, or assistance.

Unfortunately, it has been the case in the past that “Imposter Soul Guides” have been discovered, masquerading as genuine Soul Guides when they are not. These imposter Soul Guides do not have the best interests of the client in mind and can do a great deal of harm. The best way to ensure that the Medium is connected to the genuine Soul Guides of the client is to ask if they are from the highest light three times. While these imposter guides can lie the first two times, due to the “Universal Law of 3”, they cannot lie the third time.

Once discovered, these imposters can be cast out and replaced with genuine Soul Guides who will actually have the client’s best interests in mind.

Question 2: “Do we have the permission of the Higher Self to proceed?”

The Higher Self is the collective consciousness of all the individual lifetimes the soul will ever experience. It exists beyond space and time and thus is the product of all the knowledge acquired by every single incarnation that particular soul has ever lived in the linear past, or will ever live in the linear future. It is omniscient and eternal. It knows the best interests of the soul better than anything else. One of the most important aspects of this work is respecting the best interests of the client, and to do so, we must first seek permission from the Higher Self to proceed with the SRT clearing.

We must always respect the decisions made. If it doesn’t permit us to do the clearing, we don’t do it. We must then inform the client and refund them.

Question 3: “Is the client Sovereign?”

Having one’s sovereignty is essentially the same as having Free Will. Having possession of one’s sovereignty means that you have authority over yourself and the decisions you are making. Checking to see if the client is sovereign is generally the next question asked because a great number of people in the world are not actually sovereign, and have unknowingly given up their sovereignty to their spirit attachments. If the Medium receives a ‘No’ from the Soul Guides, that means the free will/sovereignty of the client has been compromised by either a non-physical entity or by an Earthbound spirit. 

It is also notable to mention that having the consent of the client is a common concern of people who are booking sessions for friends and loved ones, and rightfully so. They want to ensure that they are not crossing a moral boundary by booking a session for someone else without their expressed permission and prior knowledge. This is completely understandable and commendable, and under normal circumstances would be ideal. However, we have found that most clients dealing with spirit attachment issues couldn’t give consent to the clearing even if they wanted to, as they have already relinquished their free will/sovereignty.

That is why seeking permission from the Higher Self is the only requirement for consent, as the Higher Self is the one that knows what is in the best interests of the client anyway.

Question 4: “Is the client grounded?”

Whether or not the client is fully grounded is a very important question. Grounding is essential for the person to feel well rooted in their physical body. If they are not well grounded then they will feel dizzy, lightheaded, lethargic, unbalanced, disconnected from themselves, from their environment, and other people. It makes it difficult to sleep, exercise, concentrate, and much more. It also makes you more susceptible to the influence of others because you don’t recognize outside influence and manipulation as easily when you’re ungrounded. This is why some entities will even resort to manifesting metal plates or rubber shoes on the client in the etheric body, leaving them unable to properly ground themselves.

The Medium should always insist that the guides check for objects blocking grounding, and also ensure that the client’s grounding has been fully restored.

Question 5: “Are there any Entities attached to the client?”

Non-physical, non-human entities exist all around us yet are undetectable to the 5 basic senses. Some of these entities are relatively new, created through the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs of humans. Similar to artificial intelligence, they are created through the divine power of the human mind. However, that does not mean they were all created by humans, as some entities are ancient creatures that have existed on this planet far longer than humans have. These entities are arranged into three main categories for simplicity's sake and for cataloging the data for study. In this line of study, they are often called Dark Force Entities, or DFEs for short. 

Level 1 DFE’s (aka Dark Force Entities)

One of the most common etheric attachments we find are small astral creatures. Many of these creatures resemble little gremlins or gargoyles. They are essentially a type of elemental that are opportunistic. They are extremely common and mostly known for sapping people’s energy as well as causing anxiety, worry, and other low vibe emotions. They can cause exhaustion, phantom pains, and negative thoughts and behavior. They are relatively easy to remove which is why they are ranked as Level 1s. The Soul Guides simply send them to the light and they are gone. 

Level 2 DFE’s: 

Level 2 DFEs are typically known by the general public as ‘Demons’. Religious beliefs aside, demons are very real. They are a form of thought manifestation, often created by an individual or by the collective unconscious itself. Think of them as Artificial Intelligence manifested through the creative processes of the human mind or through the collective unconscious of humans. There are plenty of loving, high-vibe thought manifestations out there too.. but those aren’t the beings causing humans to have mental health issues. 

The demonic entities I’m speaking of are a stronger form of astral parasite - one that often attaches to the living. They put thoughts in your head and push you to do things that are completely out of character. They can cause obsession-level cravings for things like violence, sex, porn, drugs and alcohol, raging fits, delirium, etc. They stay attached to the etheric field of their target through energetic cords and hooks, which they then use to siphon energy. They can cause damage in all aspects of a person’s life. They are very formidable and can even attach to animals.

Although they are considered to be ‘Level 2’s they can be even more stubborn and arrogant than Level 3’s, often making them more difficult to remove from the client. The hold they can have on people’s minds can end up being so powerful they can even trick you into harming your closest loved ones. This is especially the case when they have been deeply rooted in the client’s etheric field for a long time. That’s why the faster you can remove these beings, the better. They are usually either sent to the light, dissolved, or transmuted into more positive thought forms.

Level 3 DFEs: 

The Level 3 DFEs that our SRT-trained Mediums tend to find on people are most often extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings. These are living, breathing beings who despite being alive, can still attach to humans without their knowledge. They can siphon energy and much more from the human hosts they attach themselves to. They are also quite difficult to remove due to the complicated nature of the process which must be handled very delicately. When dealing with Level 3’s, the Soul Guides may also seek out additional help from positive extraterrestrials when it comes to removing these beings from the client, safely and effectively.

Question 5: “Are there any implants in the etheric body?”

Etheric Implants are usually found alongside Level 2 and Level 3 DFEs. These etheric implants have been strategically placed around or inside the etheric body of the person these negative beings have attached themselves to. They are always hidden in the etheric body of the client so they are virtually undetectable by hospital scans. These implants can change what people see, hear, and say, thus causing even more physiological distress to the client. The implants are also rather complex and difficult to remove. The most common side effect of having an implant is severe mental instability. Not just hearing voices, contemplating murder or suicide, extreme rage, paranoia, obsessions, etc, but also even severe addictions and extreme self-sabotage can be the result of these implants. The Soul Guides always ensure these implants are fully removed from the client.

Question 6: “Are there any Earthbound Spirits attached to the client?”

Earthbound Spirits are simply people who no longer have a body. They died, they did not enter the light, and they chose to stay in the lower astral plane. Sometimes this happens because they haven’t realized that they have died. Like in the movie The 6th Sense, some souls get a little confused when they die. This often happens when people die under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but it does also happen for other reasons such as having an instantaneous death. Sometimes people are so locked into the 3D physical that they don’t even know they are in the 4D astral, which is why they can’t see their own Soul Guides. But once they realize they have died, or have the urge to move on, the light reappears for them. 

Some souls do stay by choice. They don’t want to move on. They either are afraid of the light because they think they are going to hell for whatever ‘bad things’ they did while they were alive, or they simply like who they are and where they are and don’t want to move on. There are whole communities in the lower astral that stick together and even form clans and families this way. This is one of the reasons why cemeteries are always busy.

Unfortunately, this means that many of them are free-roaming the world, looking for some sort of a connection with the living. When they find someone they like, someone who has the same interests they had, or someone who is simply a vibrational match for them, they will attach to their etheric field. They can absorb energy, emotions, etc, from the living. They can even cause living people to adopt their behaviors, addictions, mannerisms, and more. They can also leave you feeling exhausted, angry, depressed, and in pain for no apparent reason. 

That is why the Facilitator and Medium check to ensure there are no Earthbound Spirits attached to the client. If the Soul Guides do happen to find an Earthbound attached to a client, or even multiple Earthbounds attached, which is extremely common, they will then open a portal to the Higher Realms and kindly invite the Earthbound souls to cross over. It is also part of my protocol to inquire whether or not any of the Earthbounds knew the client in their life before they died. If so, I ask whether or not they have a message that they would like to pass on to the client before they cross over. Sometimes these messages can be extremely cathartic and validating to the client, which can be very helpful in the healing and grieving process.

Question 7: “Are there any portals in the vicinity of the client?”

Portals between the 3D physical dimension and the 4D astral dimension, exist just about everywhere. These portals allow all kinds of astral beings to come through to the 3D physical dimension unimpeded. It’s extremely easy to open an astral portal. So easy that we do it by accident all the time. These portals exist in bars, hospitals, casinos, jails, places where you might find substance abuse, and many others. Anywhere that has a large amount of fear and other negative emotions, is likely to have these portals. 

Entities will wait at the entrances to these open portals for people who are a match to their low vibrational frequency. When they find someone who is a match, particularly if they are someone who does not practice good spiritual hygiene, they attach to their etheric field and follow them home. This is also true for seances and ouija boards. By hyper-focusing your intention on speaking with the other side, you quite literally open a portal to the other side. You never know who will come through either, which is why it can be highly dangerous. Especially if you don’t know how to send them packing from your home afterward.

This is why it’s extremely important for the Medium and the Facilitator to insist that the Soul Guides find, close, and seal, every portal within the vicinity of their client. The Medium and Facilitator must insist the guides check the client's etheric field as well as their home. Not just their home, but also the electronics in their home and also their vehicles, as those are common places for portals to appear.

Question 8: “Are there any curses or spells attached to the client?”

Curses are a very real thing that the Soul Guides must always check for as they are very common. Most of these curses are sent unknowingly. The common curse is essentially the opposite of sending someone reiki healing. Rather than sending someone positive intentions of healing, love, and light, they are sending the opposite. Yes, you can send people sickness through thoughts and feelings of intense hatred or anger.

There are also professional curses and spells done by occultists, witches, voodoo priests, and other practitioners of magic. If you upset the wrong person, they can even pay someone online to curse you or put spells on you. These professional curses are quite easy to identify as they often depict telltale signs such as occult symbols floating around in the etheric field. Both curses and spells are usually found alongside negative portals, either in the home or in the actual etheric field itself.

We often find many properties and general areas will also have ancient curses from native tribes, warlord battles, and old blood feuds. If occult practices have been performed on the property then chances are that negative portals will also exist nearby. Portals that negative entities will often use to traverse from one space to another, thus creating an ‘entity superhighway’ through the property, causing all kinds of problems and paranormal activity.

In most cases, these curses and spells can be removed by the Soul Guides without too much difficulty.

Question 9: Are there any dark contracts or ancestral karmic contracts attached to the client?”

Dark contracts and ancestral karmic contracts are some of the baggage we often find that is being carried with us from other incarnations. An example of a dark contract would be essentially “making a deal with the devil”, i.e. entering into some sort of an agreement with a negative entity. A lot of people knowingly or unknowingly have entered into these dark contracts, thinking that they will be free of the arrangements they made later on in death. Unfortunately, it doesn't often work that way. These agreements can often be carried from one incarnation to another until they are properly cleared. The same goes for ancestral karmic contracts (such as vows) that can also transcend multiple incarnations until they are cleared.

Most of these contracts can and will be cleared by the Soul Guides. If they cannot break the contract for whatever reason, the facilitator will make note of the reason in the report.

Question 10: “Are there any Interdimensional Parasites attached to the client?”

Interdimensional parasites are just little astral creatures. If you catch one in your peripheral vision it often looks like insects or blobs of something strange. Many of them will even appear as a swarm. They also behave just like an energetic parasite, stealing your vibrant energy and giving you a bad mood or ill health in return. These creatures are very often what causes people to have unexplained pain or discomfort, depression, anger, anxiety, lethargy, cravings for crappy food all the time, and many other things. They can even cause energetic illnesses and other ‘unexplainable’ health issues such as fibromyalgia.

The Facilitator and Medium always check to ensure the Soul Guides are removing all these astral parasites from the physical body as well as the etheric field. 

Question 11: “Are there any negative cords attached to the client?”

Not everyone we connect with is healthy for us to be around. Whenever we bond with someone, attachment cords (energetic ties) are created, which often travel from our heart chakra to the other person’s heart chakra, or from solar plexus to solar plexus, as this is the chakra directly related to our emotions. This is because our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions emit a powerful energetic field that other people can sense, therefore it connects us energetically to those around us. When cords have been formed with other people, we then have direct access to another person’s emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical state, as well as their intentions and capabilities, which also enable a transfer of energy between the individuals.

Some of the cords found are as thin and wispy as a feather. Others may appear as thick black extension cords. These energetic cords can carry a vast amount of energy and information. This enables us to read someone else’s energy clearly, and it also allows us to send and receive emotions. Cords enable us to energetically communicate and are often the reason we feel like we just know information about the other person without any words or actions. This is why some cords are good cords, such as the ones we share with our loved ones.

However, many cords can also drain and deplete us if we are radiating too much energy through them, or if the person at the other end doesn't practice good spiritual hygiene. Or, if they have an impulse to siphon some of the energy we are radiating purely for their own personal benefit (such as the case with energy vampires). This cord attachment usually happens unconsciously but it can also happen purposefully, like when dealing with entities.

Unfortunately, it's not just the living that can attach to your etheric field via these cords. Entities and Earthbound spirits can too, as they tend to use these cords as an etheric tether, to siphon as much energy as they can from their hosts. This is why it’s so important to gauge how you feel around other people, places, and situations, being wary of those who make you feel exhausted after an interaction. These cords can be extremely draining, in particular when they are in abundance.

The Soul Guides generally cut and burn them so the cords don’t grow back, although they will likely grow back if the client engages with the same people again.

Question 12: “Are there any past life energetic resonances attached to the client?”

A “past life energetic resonance’ is essentially the energetic imprint of a traumatic event or injury that has been carried from another lifetime. Usually in the form of an energetic injury or weapon. So for example, if someone experienced getting shot in the heart by an arrow in a previous incarnation, we may find an ‘energetic arrow’ still lodged into the etheric heart of the client. If this is the case, they will often have unexplainable ‘phantom pains’ or numbness in the physical body, in that particular area.

Once cleared out by the Soul Guides, the pain in the affected area should dissipate.

Question 13: “Are there any negative, self-created thought forms?”

elf-created thought forms can take many appearances. Some examples would be imaginary friends who keep us company and offer us comfort and support. Well, a negative self-created thought form would be more like having an imaginary school bully in your head. It’s a thought form that was created by the subconscious mind of the client, for whatever particular reason. Often as a sort of ‘red flag’ that some area of the subconscious needs addressing. Negative thought forms can cause anxiety, depression, insecurity, anger issues, and much more if left unaddressed.

These thought forms, once identified, are usually dissolved by the spirit guides or sent to the light. The Medium and Facilitator may also inquire the spirit guides as to what role or function these thought forms played for the client, to better understand what created them in the first place.

Question 14: “Are there any disassociated sub-personalities?”

A disassociated sub-personality or DSP is essentially a part of the subconscious mind that gets separated or locked away from the conscious mind of the client. This is most often due to traumatic experiences. The most common DSP’s we find locked away in the back of the mind, are youths. For example, children who have horrific childhood experiences who then grow up to be adults, tend to lock away some of those traumatic memories in the back of their mind. Such is the case with an individual who has a disassociated younger version of oneself locked away and out of reach. In that instance, it makes it much harder to do shadow work and other forms of psychological and spiritual healing.

While doing a clearing the Medium and Facilitator will ask the Soul Guides whether or not the client has any disassociated sub-personalities that need reintegration with the ego/core self. They may also inquire how many DSPs there are, what ages they are, and what caused the separation between the affected parts of the psyche. The Soul Guides then address the issue by comforting these subconscious parts of the client and reintegrating them back into the unconscious mind.

Question 15: “How are the client's Chakras?”

Chakras are essentially energy vortices that exist all over the physical and etheric bodies. Whether or not the client's chakras are balanced or unbalanced is one of the most important factors when it comes to spiritual hygiene practices. If the chakras are unbalanced you will likely also be ungrounded and not well in tune with your thoughts, feelings or intuition. This is because people with unbalanced chakras are often left with energy blockages throughout the etheric body. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular emotional, physical, and spiritual aspect of an individual's being. If one of them is too open, or too closed, it can cause imbalance in all the other chakras. If that happens for an extended period one can develop illness, depression, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, addictions, and much more. When all the chakras are balanced, it brings about good health, a sense of deep knowing, inner strength, inner peace, and a deeper alignment with all that is.

The Facilitator and Medium will ensure the Soul Guides check all the chakras and balance them in whatever way best serves the current needs of the client.

Question 16: “How is the integrity of the etheric body?”

Picture the etheric body as a giant energetic egg that surrounds and protects the etheric field of the physical body. It’s a huge, protective bubble of energy that surrounds the physical body and protects it from illness, parasites, entities, other people's energies, and much more. The problem, however, is that this etheric field can easily be weakened and damaged by all kinds of personal and environmental factors. Unhealthy food, chemicals, drugs, alcohol, and even negative thoughts and emotions such as worries or fears can weaken it and put holes in the etheric field. Once holes have been made, whatever wants to get inside and attach itself to the physical body, can indeed do so.

This is why the Medium and the Soul Guides will check the integrity of the etheric field and assess the damage. They will then repair the damage and mend the perforations. If the facilitator inquires, it is indeed possible to find out what damaged the integrity of the etheric body in the first place by inquiring further with the Soul Guides.

Asking additional Questions for Aftercare:

Aftercare is an essential part of the healing process. The client poses a much greater risk of gaining new attachments if they are not keeping up with the recommended spiritual protection methods and spiritual hygiene practices. 

There are also a few questions the Facilitator and Medium may ask the client’s Soul Guides to better determine the best type of aftercare measures for that particular client. 

Questions such as: 

“What is the origin of the client’s vulnerability and how can this be repaired?” 

“What is the client’s purpose for experiencing this particular lifetime?” 

“What advice can the Spirit Guides give to the client for continued health and spiritual well-being?”

“What Aftercare measures would the client benefit from the most?” 

“Are there any specific recommendations from the Soul Guides for getting the client back on track in life?”

Spiritual Hygiene and Protection Methods: 


Getting comfortable and synchronized with your own personal energy field is a very powerful form of self-care. Once you know what ‘normal’ feels like, you will know when something ‘doesn’t feel right’. The best way to do that is with meditation. Meditation is one of the most powerful deterrents of all, as you are also locking down your auric field of protection and expanding it even further, giving yourself a larger ‘force field’ to better block parasites, Earthbounds, and entities.

There are also special guided meditations that will boost your etheric protections even further. These guided meditations usually include visualizations such as imagining oneself encased within a giant pyramid or bulletproof case for protection.


Sea Salt and Himalayan salt (not Epsom salt) are very powerful for blocking and removing negative energy. You can place it along doorways and windows, in little bowls around the house, or even just sprinkled around under beds and in carpets. It’s also excellent for use in the bath or shower. You simply add it to the water or scrub your body down with it.


It’s very important to smudge yourself and your house frequently. You take a bundle of sage, lavender, cedar, rosemary, or other cleansing herbs, and you light one end of it. You need some sort of a heat-proof seashell, bowl or tray to catch the ash and burning embers that will fall. Open your doors and windows, then move from the back of your house to the front of your house, wafting the smoke in each room. Be sure to smudge the corners, closets and even under beds and in cabinets. If you have any new items or objects in your home, it’s good to smudge them too. Also be sure to waft the smoke towards your body too, and even get your feet and hair with the smoke. When you’re done, you can close the doors and windows.

If you cannot use smoke for whatever reason, you can always use a diffuser with essential oils like sage oil, palo santo oil, frankincense oil, etc. It works just as well.

Raising the vibration of the space:

If you raise the vibration of the space it makes it considerably harder for negative energies to exist in that space. You can play high-vibe music, you can use instruments like singing bowls, you can place crystals around the house, etc. Black crystals such as shungite, obsidian, and black tourmaline can absorb negative energy so use them often. Also, be sure to cleanse and charge them frequently. Orgonite (crystals and metal suspended in resin) also works extremely well to raise the vibration of the space by transmuting negative energy into positive.


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