Spirit Release Therapy Clearings
Spirit Release Therapy with Lara
Spirit release therapy is a specialized form of holistic treatment, conducted by a Psychic Medium and a Facilitator. The Medium and Facilitator work in conjunction with a team of Spirit Guides, powerful souls that exist beyond the scope of time and space.
What is Spirit Release Therapy?
Spirit Possession Therapy (SRT) Explained
By Lara Starr
For well over a century now, there have been a large number of theosophists and mental health professionals who have been conducting research regarding the relationship between spirit possession and mental illness. Frederic W H Myers, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Dr. William Baldwin, Dr. Edith Fiore, and Dr. Terence Palmer are just a few of the intellectuals that have been compiling a staggering amount of evidence that a great number of severe mental health issues are caused by the energetic attachment of non-physical spirits and other entities.
The traumas people have experienced can indeed cause mental health issues, (not just in this life but in past lives) and sometimes those traumas cause us to experience mental blockages that can influence our behavior and development in many different ways. Sometimes physical injuries and addiction can cause mental health issues too. But that is not the only reason these issues can occur.
Through case studies conducted by several researchers, we have discovered that one of the largest causes of mental health issues is spirit possession. Sometimes deceased souls don’t want to cross over or don’t know they need to cross over, and they need extra assistance. If they don’t, they may end up attaching to the etheric field of other people, causing them all kinds of problems such as addictions, behavioral issues, and even health problems.
There are also countless forms of non-physical entities out there and they attach themselves to the living just like energetic parasites. They can read your mind, put thoughts or visions in your head, and can even cause people to commit atrocities out of fear, confusion, or coercion. They mainly sustain themselves through negative emotions such as anger, pain, and fear.
This is why it’s very important to keep an eye on the state of your mental health. There are many red flags you can look out for so you can remove these entities before they can possess the mind.
Most importantly.. If you have any abnormal, negative emotions you cannot explain or seem to shake, intrusive thoughts that are completely out of character, or even horrible nightmares you cannot seem to explain, then there’s usually either some kind of underlying trauma or a spirit/entity that is in your etheric field and feeding off of those negative emotions.
They all have a particular feeling or behavior they go for the most. Many of them love forms of inebriation so any form of drugs or alcohol can attract them. Including cigarettes and sleeping tablets. Some of them love to feed off depression, some love anger, some love anxiety or insecurity, and whatever it is they crave, they will muster up these feelings within us so they can feed off of them. Sometimes completely sane people even have psychotic breaks because of these astral parasites, so it’s important to pay attention to your emotions and why you feel the things you feel. Become the observer of your own thoughts.
It’s not abnormal to feel sad for a good reason. (Losing your job or your pet, someone was cruel to you, etc) But it is a red flag if you feel deeply sad, angry, or anxious and cannot explain why. Especially for extended periods.
Over decades, Dr Terence Palmer developed a unique method and protocol that allows one to remove these beings from individuals who are being afflicted by these negative energies. Spirit Releasement Therapy.
What is SRT aka Spirit Release Therapy?
Spirit release therapy is a specialized form of holistic treatment, conducted by a Psychic Medium and a Facilitator. The Medium and Facilitator work in conjunction with a team of Spirit Guides, powerful souls that exist beyond the scope of time and space. These Spirit Guides are discarnate souls who can manipulate energies in both the astral and physical realms. It is the spirit guides that do all the difficult work of removing the astral parasites, Earthbounds, and negative entities that attach to the living and cause mental, emotional, and physical health issues.
How does SRT work?
The SRT Facilitator must first find a client who is in distress and would like to be checked. The Facilitator then sits down with the Psychic Medium, either in person or over video feed, and asks the Medium to energetically tap into the client. Once the Medium makes a connection and can observe the etheric field of the client in question, the Facilitator then goes through a protocol of questions. The protocol of questions can vary, as it's determined by the Facilitator, but they always ask the same general questions. They are as follows.